Tired of the same old fundraising ideas? The Artist In You can provide a unique, creative and interactive opportunity to raise funds and bring your community together. Families, friends and others can participate in a variety of projects that will not only achieve your fundraising goal quickly but also beautify your campus, office, playground or place of worship.
If you are looking for a donation to a specific event or fundraiser, and are a non-profit organization with a valid tax id number, contact studio@theartistinyou.net for more information.
(must be a non-profit organization with a valid tax id number)
Our 20% Give Back Events are the perfect way to bring a group together and raise funds for your organization. It’s simple, just email fundraising@theartistinyou.net to book your event, bring your group in to paint and we’ll send you a check for 20% of your group’s purchases. Everyone will have a great time painting, being creative and interacting with each other PLUS your organization will benefit from the dollars raised. We think it puts the FUN in fundraising! (must be a non-profit organization with a valid tax id number)
Many groups choose to paint items for silent auctions. We have all the creative tools to assist you whether you choose to paint it yourself or have our custom artist paint it for you. The Artist In You will donate paint, glazing, firing fees, and 25% off Pottery for purchases over $200 if your organization has a valid tax id number for donation purposes. You’ll see dollar signs at your silent auction with hand painted pottery pieces form The Artist In You!
Tile Walls make fabulous public art projects for your facility. The Artist In You will sell you the tiles, paint, glazing and firing at a discounted price and you can sell them to donors or painters at a markup of your CHOICE.